Security In Hospitals

Security in hospitals

You’d be surprised at the number of hospitals audited each year that are found neglecting certain requirements in maintaining the security of there hospital. Visiting a hospital can often be a very stressful experience due to the circumstances of the visit for both the staff member and the patients. Often hospitals are open to the public allowing unexpected people to wander unidentified around the hospital.

What are some of the security issues that could happen in a hospital?

There has been some sad cases where patients were have had personal items stolen from there ward. This could be for number of reasons. These could be as follows:

No identification

Identification plays a vital role in the safety of the ward. From a distance you can identify authorize personnel at a glance. You may also want to introduce a system that can be used for visitors who are there to see there loved ones. This will allow you to see quickly any visitors that are on the wrong ward at given time.

Human Error

With a ever advancing world in technology human error is becoming a thing that does not need to exist. There has been situations where staff have missed signs of unauthorized visitors due to them having a busy work schedule. Technology has lead to ID cards being a solution to help minimize human error. These cards have be printed using a specialized ID card printer and then programmed to allow people in certain parts of the building.

Unauthorized Access

Often individuals wonder from location to location without being stopped by any member of staff. With a simple solution such as access control you can reduce the number of unathorized entries across sites. Access control utilizes a PVC card which is programmed using access control specific software. Once programmed the individual can use the card to access certain areas within the hospital.

So in summary these are a few simple areas that we will provide solutions for over time on our website to help you make your hospital more secure. Please check our website regularly for updates on both the individual factors discussed and any changes that make happen due to advancements in technology.